
Henry Sene Yee Design

Noen designere er så flinke at det nesten er for mye av det gode. Henry Sene Yee er en sånn en. Så mange fine omslag! Bloggen hans er morsom fordi den viser flere forskjellige utkast til omslagene han har laget - også de som av ulike grunner har blitt forkastet i løpet av prosessen. Inspirerende og fin! (Og mannen tar fine bilder også. Selvsagt.)

2 kommentarer:

H3NR7 sa...

Hi Elisabeth,

I stumbled onto your blog. Which is another way of saying I was Googling myself. I don't know what you wrote but I think you were complimenting me.
Thanks for noticing my work. It's exciting to know that people as far away as Oslo are aware of you.

By coincidence I was working with the Norwegian publisher, Aschehoug & Co. today.

Keep checking out my work and leave comments.
Best, Henry

Elisabeth sa...

Hi Henry,
I was indeed complimenting your work! Fun to hear that you are working for "the competition". I'm a graphic designer working at Cappelen, another publisher here in Oslo.

I've added you to my Bloglines Feed, so I'll be following your work from now on!
